Sunday, September 5, 2010

Judy's Blog

I have decided to start a blog.  This first sentence sort of sounds like Dickens first line "I am born".  Not that I am in any way comparing myself to Dickens, but that first sentence was sort of bald. I am blogging.  How's that?  
I just finished watching Julie and Julia and was inspired.  I read the book first.  I love to watch a film of a book I have loved.  But my favorite thing to do is read.  I am in heaven, blissed out, when I find a book I can fall into, and forget my shitty little life for awhile.  I suppose anyone who loves to read feels that way.  I can not live without my books.  I have lost many possesions in my life, from being evicted and not being able to take everything with me, from losing a home and moving into an apartment too small to take all of my stuff, from having a nervous breakdown and leaving everything except what would fit in the trunk of my car, but I have always managed to take my books.
I am one of those weirdos who love their books.  I will reread my favorites over and over again.  I have read The Stand by Stephen King at least once a year since it was published.  It's like running into an old friend again after not seeing them for a long while.  "Well, how have you been?  I've missed you so much.  Tell me everything that's been going on with you!  God, it's so good to see you." 
This is kind of fun.  But I think it's better to keep these posts short and boring, rather long and boring.  So until next time...

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