Monday, September 6, 2010

My daughter and I went to the movies this afternoon to see Eat Pray Love, which was so cool because I just finished the book Saturday.  Julia Roberts is the lead, and she is just great, as she always is.  But, as always, the book is better.  Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful film, but I realized a long time ago that the book, any book,  is always better than the film.  I try to read the book before I see the movie, when possible. 
Now I want to live in Italy and learn to speak Italian.  Aw, shit, let's be honest here, I have always wanted to live in Italy and learn to speak Italian.  Italians just know how to live life.  Europeans in general do, but especially those on the Med. 
We in America are so caught up in chasing the American Dream, make a pile of money and you'll be happy for the rest of your life.  The money's nice, I'm not bitching about having money [quite the opposite, in fact, I bitch about not having money]. But we don't know how to enjoy life, which the author of the book, Elizabeth Gilbert, talks about.  She says, and I agree, we know how to entertain ourselves, and we spend a lot of our hard-earned cash on this, but we do not know how to enjoy, how to savor, life.
I love the word "savor".  Isn't that a lovely word?  Reminds me of "Savior".  Savor your Savior. 
I also want to learn French, and live in Paris.  The reason for this is because my great-grandmother was from France.  She was a WW1 war bride and emigrated to the US with her new ex-GI husband.  I've had an affinity for all things French ever since learning about her.  Unfortunately, I never got to meet her.  My grandmother, her daughter, never talked about her life.  My mom, her daughter, doesn't know much either.  My sisters and I would know nothing about where we come from or who we are if one of my sisters had not gotten interested in genealogy once and investigated a little.  And a very little is what we know.  If I ever get any of that cash we're busy chasing, I want to sign up with one of these genealogy on-line places and see if I can learn any more about her.

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